My buzz word is ‘facilitator’. I love the word. I like to be considered a facilitator. I work to empower people and encourage them to grow stuff for themselves.
Life is very cumulative. The big lessons you think you have learned at one point are only part of the process of learning something so much bigger. It’s like walking in the hills of the Lake District, you think you’ve reached the peak and then you get there and see there’s another peak beyond.
I love change. I never want to settle down and think that’s it for life. I find it difficult to be discouraged because I have faith that God is around despite the circumstances. I don’t have a problem with hope. I enjoy every day. I am the sort of person who really can’t do a job I don’t enjoy. I love working out why a spreadsheet doesn’t work. I love spending time with family and grandchildren. Spending nearly six years living and working in Poland along with my wife Anne has been life’s high point to date.